The Take Him With You Podcast

Podcast notes for Destroying Depression show #062109


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I start out with a really cool promo for a Star Trek Audio drama produced by my friend Jen.  I am involved in an RPG game that has been made into a full blown audio drama with music and sound effx.  I had the privelage of doing the music for part 2 that comes out this Wednesday.  You can listen to part one here: 

   then check out part two this wednesday.  If you want the some of the soundtrack to part one visit here:

I then play a promo for Treks In Sci Fi, my all time favorite podcast with Rico Dostie.


I start out and talk about the wedding I took photos for.  The couple was really nice.  So I am considering doing more photograhpy for special occasions.

Check out more at my facebook account:   Hire me!  I love to take pictures!

Here is the photo of the silk work eating my rose bush.

I talk about my TWITTER CLOUD!


Follow me on twitter!  @moyer777

Today is my 23rd wedding anniversary—  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AMY!  What a blessing she is in my life!

Check out out Youtube video about it here:

Check out these podcasts on how we met and fell in love–


Here are some reasons I love my wife:

Read all about it in our latest newsletter–

Happy Father’s day to you dads out there.  I love my dad and wrote a cool song for him years ago, here it is!  Enjoy!

My dad and I in Seattle.

Here are the lyrics to Thank you Dad by Rick Moyer

Daddy I remember in the cold you’d build a fire
and I do recall the warmth it gave to us all
and Daddy I can see you playing frisbee, outside our house
your baseball cap on backwards as always you were trying to make me laugh

I remember you and all the crazy things you’d do
In the summer time and in the spring
I thank you dad for the love you bring

Pullin weeds from the garden’
on a warm summers day
sharin’ my thoughts on the world around me
you’d listen and then we’d play

the little red truck the bbq
the swing outside in the yard
throwin apples to the horses
somehow those times they don’t seem so hard

I remember you and all the crazy things you’d do
In the summer time and in the spring
I thank you dad for the love you bring
I thank you dad for the love you bring

Now with a son of my own, I pray to the Lord above
that I may show him your example and give him your kinda  love

I remember you and all the crazy things you’d do
In the summer time and in the spring
I thank you dad for the love you bring

yeah I thank you Lord for the love you give.

Check out my youtube channel.

Ephesians 6:1-4 (message bible)
1-3 Children, do what your parents tell you. This is only right. “Honor your father and mother” is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it, namely, “so you will live well and have a long life.” 4Fathers, don’t exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.

Psalm 68:1-10 (message bible)
1-4 Up with God! Down with his enemies!
         Adversaries, run for the hills!
   Gone like a puff of smoke,
      like a blob of wax in the fire—
         one look at God and the wicked vanish.
   When the righteous see God in action
      they’ll laugh, they’ll sing,
         they’ll laugh and sing for joy.
   Sing hymns to God;
      all heaven, sing out;
         clear the way for the coming of Cloud-Rider.
   Enjoy God,
      cheer when you see him!

 5-6 Father of orphans,
      champion of widows,
         is God in his holy house.
   God makes homes for the homeless,
      leads prisoners to freedom,
         but leaves rebels to rot in hell.

 7-10 God, when you took the lead with your people,
      when you marched out into the wild,
   Earth shook, sky broke out in a sweat;
      God was on the march.
   Even Sinai trembled at the sight of God on the move,
      at the sight of Israel’s God.
   You pour out rain in buckets, O God;
      thorn and cactus become an oasis
   For your people to camp in and enjoy.
      You set them up in business;
      they went from rags to riches.

Don’t forget to catch the midweek booster- we are going through the book of James.

I play a promo for the Anomaly Podcast with Angela and Jen.  They rock.

I share some feedback to the “Surviving Churchianity podcasts one and two. 

I then ask if you want to help support Take Him With You and our family.  Please subscribe to our newsletter!  You will love it, and we could use the help financially!  Please give me feedback!  Send you comments to 


I am reading a great book called “In Pursuit of Happiness- choices that can change your life” by Frank Minirth, M.D.  Click here if you want to get a copy

I start out by sharing how Amy and I had gone through a lot of hard experiences.  I am usually pretty happy go lucky, but I started to fall into depression.  I talk about going to counseling and getting out of depression.  It was a pretty incredible experience- I share all about it.  I then do a test to see if you may be experiencing symptoms of depression.  I talk about some great information and biblicall things you can do to get out of depression.  Take a listen!  It’s pretty cool stuff!

Next week I talk about Anger, and how it is a symptom of depression.  It’s called “Hot Blooded” 

Thanks again for all of the support.  We covet your prayers and financial support!

Bless you!

I play Knights of the guild promo (  )and Waffle on’s promo. (    See you next week!

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