The Take Him With You Podcast

This week I talk extensivley about stress and how it needs to be addressed in our lives.
Messing with Stressing is our topic this week.  Direct download

I start off by promoting Angela and Jen’s podcast Anomaly podcast 


Catherine, my daughter, went to the Jonas Brother’s Concert with my wife.  Here are some pictures she took.  You have to hear about her experience.  I interview her on this podcast.

I got to go speak at Quinault Valley Chapel recently.  Check out some cool pics from my trip.

Dino Blackburn

Here is a cool friend of mine, who invited me to come talk at his church.
Check out his website and his music!  AMAZING!  RUSTY WEST


BBQing a steak while I spoke at QVC

Enjoying the new Law and Order Criminal Intent- enjoying the new addition of Jeff Goldblum.  He is really a cool actor.


BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVE TODAY!  Don’t put it off.  I talk about it.

I would be so thrilled if you would write to me!  Please send me feedback!

I promote my friend Kenny’s podcast- Knights of the Guild –

Words of Wisdom
Psalm 91:1-16
1-13You who sit down in the High God’s presence, spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow,
   Say this: “God, you’re my refuge.
      I trust in you and I’m safe!”
   That’s right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
      shields you from deadly hazards.
   His huge outstretched arms protect you—
      under them you’re perfectly safe;
      his arms fend off all harm.
   Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
      not flying arrows in the day,
   Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
      not disaster that erupts at high noon.
   Even though others succumb all around,
      drop like flies right and left,
      no harm will even graze you.
   You’ll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
      watch the wicked turn into corpses.
   Yes, because God‘s your refuge,
      the High God your very own home,
   Evil can’t get close to you,
      harm can’t get through the door.
   He ordered his angels
      to guard you wherever you go.
   If you stumble, they’ll catch you;
      their job is to keep you from falling.
   You’ll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
      and kick young lions and serpents from the path.

 14-16 “If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God,
      “I’ll get you out of any trouble.
   I’ll give you the best of care
      if you’ll only get to know and trust me.
   Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times;
      I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party.
   I’ll give you a long life,
      give you a long drink of salvation!”

I introduce our contest–  listen and enter to win!  — win a cool book.

I then ask for support from you the listener!

I then promote my friend Rico’s website and podcast. TREKS IN SCI FI!

I did a cool song for his latest show on Batman called “The Caped Crusader” download and listen to it today!  visit the parody site

I then talk about my friend Med’s podcast called Waffle On.  Check it out!  AWESOME STUFF!


The second half of the show is all about reducing stress in our lives.  I cover a chapter in a book that I am reading called “In Pursuit of Happiness” by Dr. Frank Minirth.  It’s really good.  You could win a copy of the book if you enter the contest on the show.  So listen and follow the instructions.

I talk about things that happened in my life to cause stress and how it took it’s toll on my body.  I then talk about steps to take in reducing our stress level.  It’s really an informative podcast that should be listened too!  Let me know what you think!

I introduce a heavier tune that I wrote and recorded called “Out of the Box” 

Here are the lyrics:

Psalm 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
       he delivered me from all my fears.

Here are the lyrics to my new song.  Oh and if you want to hear it, click here.  (it is a rockin’ tune, so turn up your speakers and enjoy)


Out of the box
by Rick Moyer


Pressure’s coming down on me
my head could just explode
Is this the way it’s supposed to be?
that’s not what I’ve been told
I’ve let things get way to close
It’s easy to to do you know
but if I cast my care upon you God
you show me which way to go
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
Have I dug myself in deeper now
or is there hope for me in store?
All I know is I can’t stay here
and I need you more and more
My prayer it takes me higher
as your hand you reach to me
I lift my arms up toward you
and your Spirit sets me free
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
You set me free, yeah
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box you set me free
Out of the box you set me free
God take this stress from me
I lay it at your feet
I forgive the ones that hurt my heart
Now make my heart complete
I can’t live without your love
you blow my life away
I cast my care upon you now
I choose to live today
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
Out of the box
I cast my care on you
Cause I know you care for me!
I cast my care on you
I know you care, I know you care
You care for me
Get me out of the box

Next week we are going to cover how to overcome after going through a really tough experience.  How to get up after getting clobbered by life.. how to NOT STAY DOWN!
We are dealing with Greif and Loss-  it’s called “Good Grief!”  Should be good!

Direct download:

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